Talk Details

AI for cancer detection, by Geetha Manjunath
Use of AI has become mandatory in many domains today and recently seeing adoption in critical applications in healthcare as well. In this talk, I will share our work at NIRAMAI, where we have developed a new way of detecting early stage breast cancer in a privacy aware manner. The solution has won many national and international awards, including being the only company from India that is listed on the Top 100 AI startups in the world by cbInsights. The core of the solution is a Machine-Learning based Computer Aided Diagnostic Engine.
About the speaker
Dr. Geetha Manjunath is the Founder, CEO and CTO of NIRAMAI. Before starting NIRAMAI, she was a Lab Director heading Data Analytics Research in Xerox India. She holds a PhD from CSA Dept of Indian Institute of Science and has over 25 years of experience in IT research in Hewlett Packard Labs, Xerox Research and C-DAC. Geetha has won many international and national recognition for her innovations. She was awarded the Computer Society of India Gold Medal , TR Shamanna State Award from Karnataka and was named as one of the top 50 NASCCOM IT Innovators in 2009. She was also the winner of 2010 MIT Tech Review Grand Challenges for Technologists in Healthcare category. She was awarded BIRAC WinER Award 2018 for her Entrepreneurial Research. She is a Senior member of IEEE and past chair of Computer Society Bangalore. She is the inventor of 15 US patents with more pending grant.